Monday, May 13, 2013

New borns and foxes

 This one was taken at our last ranch but I thought it was funny all the moms were
 so curious about the new calve.
 This little guy couldn't find his mom so Zac had to give it a bottle.
 Sorry its kind of hard to see him in the shadows.
After he ate he curled up for a nap. 
So cute and soft.
 We have now had these little guys for about a week and they are getting so big.
Look at those ears! This one is the bigger of the two.
Their fur is starting to lighten up and get more orange. 
Its fun to watch them play together.

1 comment:

  1. Cute babies!!! My mom got your blog from your parents I think, so now I'm going to read all your posts :) p.s. I'm pregnant!!! :)
