Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Heading home!

 BBQ Russian style
 No tie downs.. no problem.
 These white storks where everywhere

 There is even a restaurant named after them.
 Another old church.
 We had a theory that instead of moving the tanks any further after a war they
 would just make it a monument.
 Saying goodbye to "Buzz" our interpreter.
All packed!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pochep and Buildings

 Fun looking buildings in Pochep.
 Homemade rotor cart.
This little store is near our house so we get icecream from the nice ladies. 
 This village is like going back in the 1800s
 Many churches are the middle of cemetarys.
 Beautiful old buildings.
 Pochep has alot more stores then our last towns did.
 Ten cowboys in a cafe
Front security gate at one of the main offices.

Monday, May 13, 2013

New borns and foxes

 This one was taken at our last ranch but I thought it was funny all the moms were
 so curious about the new calve.
 This little guy couldn't find his mom so Zac had to give it a bottle.
 Sorry its kind of hard to see him in the shadows.
After he ate he curled up for a nap. 
So cute and soft.
 We have now had these little guys for about a week and they are getting so big.
Look at those ears! This one is the bigger of the two.
Their fur is starting to lighten up and get more orange. 
Its fun to watch them play together.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Green grass

Its is amazing how about a month ago as soon as the snow was all gone the grass was already green. Looking out over the pastures it looks like the cows are on a golf course and they don't irrigate here at all. It has now been in the seventies and even eighties most days for the last couple weeks and we are loving the change!
 This is one of the twelve summer pastures.

 Zac checking on a new calve in one of  the winter pen. These heifers are being moved out so the rest of them will have their babies in the summer pastures.
 More heifers in the winter pens waiting to move.
This area has alot of rolling hills.

New Ranch

Last Saturday we moved from our ranch to Supragana which is an hour and a half south of where we use to be.We have visited this ranch before and they are about to have alot of calves born this month so they needed Zacs help. We laughed at how quickly we were able to pack up and move in a short amount of time because all of our stuff fits in five suit cases.

The entrance sign says Miratorg Farm Supragina.
We now live inside the security gate.
 Ours is the one of the right.
They planted flowers and trees and they painted the trees white.
 This is blueberry my favorite horse here but he has a sore foot.
This little guy crawled through the fence in with the horses.
 Waiting to count out the heifers that are being moved.
Heading out to the summer pastures. Zac is second from left.
 I drove out to help and waited by this beautiful lake.
They had to bring that group of about five hundred heifers accross this dam.
Luckily no one fell off.
 The area that our ranch is on was once a soviet collective farm so there are alot
of buildings near the property.
 This one is right accross from our house.
 I thought this outhouse was so cute until I realized it is still being used.
So this isn't a very good picture but we are always amazed at the amount of litter and garbage that is just left on the side of the road or dumped in a field. So sad because it is so beautiful here.
We adopted!!! These babies foxes were found by the security. They just left them in a bag by the garbage so I brought them in and have been taking care of them until they are big enough to live on their own. So cute and growing very fast.