Friday, March 29, 2013


A few weeks ago we drove down to Supragana ranch.
We had never been this way in the day time so it was fun to see new things.
 Just about everywhere we go there is statues.
They kind of resemble superheros.
 This house is by far one of the nicest ones we have seen over here.
 Alot of the houses look like this except the green door is crazy.
 This is what the majority of houses in our villages look like.
Got to love the chickens!
 You know its starting to warm up when you have to stop the pickup for farm animals.
 For people who have alittle more money they put a picture of them on their headstone.
 The new bridge was built next to the old one.
Very glad we don't have to cross that.
Like many of the buildings from Soviet Russia this one has been abandoned.

 This is all that is left of the wall.
We can't believe these bricks haven't fallen.

 Inside the main barn at Supragana.
 It was built alittle different then ours.
 It reminded me of a big green house.
 We came to see how they were getting ready for mud season.
 This ranch is warmer so it has already starting to get some flooding.
They say it gets so bad even tractors can't get through.
 We had to stop and see the snowmobile.
It is pretty basic but made Zac miss home.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring Snow Storm

So in Russia the first day of spring is March 1st. Now that it is almost April all of a sudden we get a weekend of non stop snow and wind. The Russians that have lived in this area their whole lives say this is the first time they have ever seen this much snow this time of year!
Snow drift behind the house.

They have been plowing for two days trying to keep up.



The winter pen gates are all snowed in.

The cows are all hiding behind the wind breaks.

No horses today.. all the guys were on four wheelers.

 Funny Russian tractor bringing in more straw.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Russian Cowboys

 Coming in from one of the winter pens.
Zac has trained about five or six Russians to ride.
 It is easy to spot these guys with their Red Jackets.
It took some work but finally everyone was
 standing close and facing the same direction.

Nikolas is super excited to be a cowboy and even wears chinks.

He thinks Zac's hat is so cool so Zac let him wear it for a photo.

Our interpreter even wants to learn to ride.

Back at the barn to unsaddle.

It gets pretty crowded when everyone is out at the same time.

Stuck again. This time Zac was able to pull them out with the pickup.

The cows were really interested in what was going on in their pen.


This is the main entrance and security gate.
In the round pen coming from the barn.

Entering the barn through the bud box.

The cows then go through either side of the alley way.

These are private stalls for sick or injured cows.

The ally way leading to the chute.

One of the bulls getting vaccinated.

Side of the barn and offices.

Back of the horse barn.

This is where we tie the horses to saddle them.
Also the red room is heated for all the tack.

The horses and the cool door that can open two ways.

The tack room and saddles.

 More tack and equipment.
Center of all the buildings.
Grains and hay that are mixed before feeding.
Mechanic shop.
 The drive line broke in half on this John Deere tractor.
 Zac was amazed that it broke,
 I was amazed they have the tractor held up by logs.
 The front of the tractor... also held up by logs.
Russian tractor